Bonus New Years Episode: Screen Time, Social Media, Podcasting, and How to Get Your Bearings

In this bonus episode, Joseph and I discussed:

  • Ways to more thoughtfully approach “screen time” and social media, including specific apps and methods for nudging things in the right direction for families and people concerned with the issue

  • A broad look at podcasting including software, gear, hosting, and other advice (including an 8-step general process for anyone looking to get started with a podcast in 2019)

  • Practical approaches to getting your bearings and discovering purpose before setting goals and resolutions

  • We also briefly reviewed the high points of initial episodes of the podcast from 2018

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Peter Ostebo - Finding Your Creative Voice

All great writers have a “voice” - a way of expressing the written word in a way that is immediately recognizable as their own. Finding and harnessing your creative voice, in any art form, allows for the expression of emotional authenticity that leads to a true connection with the audience. For many people who make their living creatively, however, that’s easier said than done. After all, where exactly does that unique voice come from, and how can it be expressed “on-demand,” not just when inspiration strikes?

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Jessica Dupuy - the Passion Driven Purpose Behind Great Food and Wine

Great artists and artisans are driven by a passion that expresses itself from within. In the case of world class food, wine, and even hospitality, we get to experience the results of that passion in a tangible way that involves all five senses. Yet, when sitting down for a meal or opening a bottle of wine it can be easy to take for granted the talent, work, and drive that culminated in that moment. Discovering and presenting the stories of great chefs, winemakers, distillers, and restauranteurs, is what drives the literary work and honest, journalistic approach of today’s podcast guest.

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Fraser Pajak - Trust Based Leadership

Leadership as a topic has been written about and discussed ad nauseam, yet good leadership remains elusive for so many organizations and teams. How can the subject of such exhaustive research and discussion continue to be the glaring root cause of business failures, mission-killing morale problems, and weak vision at the top of otherwise strong organizations? Perhaps it’s because talking about optimal leadership will never replace the disciplined practice of good leadership. That’s why for today’s episode on leadership, I wanted to talk to someone who has actually walked the walk of trust based leadership to peel back the layers on what works, and what doesn’t.

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Jay Papasan - Figuring Out Your "One Thing"

It was almost called the “success habit.” Instead, Jay Papasan and Gary Keller released their popular book on purpose driven productivity as The ONE Thing, which went on to sell over 1.3 million copies worldwide, made 400 appearances on national bestseller lists (including # 1 on The Wall Street Journal’s hardcover business list), and was translated into 30 different languages.

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Dave Klug - the Challenging Process of Keeping us Safe

In today’s episode, we dive deep into the purpose behind the processes involved in keeping our communities safe. Today’s 24-hour news cycle and the proliferation of citizen video journalism has allowed an ever-closer view into the outwardly visible world of police officers like never before, but the average citizen remains unaware of the processes, rationale, and training that inform and dictate how our police departments respond to today’s critical incidents.

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Jim Flores and Lee Rothenflue - Storytelling Through Film

Austin’s film industry really is full of talented, hard-working, independent people. I had the pleasure of sitting down with two of them just one week before the Austin Film Festival - Jim Flores (cinematographer) and Lee Rothenflue (Producer/Post-Editor) gave us their impromptu thoughts about the “work” of storytelling through film in general, and what it’s like to make movies in Austin, specifically.

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